Monday, June 15, 2009

London to Paris and how we almost lost Crystal forever

I know it has been a long time, I am sorry to have missed entering for all of you. Sorry for the lack of pictures - I can't get anything to upload right now. I'll try in the next few days. 

Our last day in London began with another lovely breakfast with Sharon and a phone call that Crystal had arrived in Heathrow. The plan was then to head off to Victoria Station where she would meet us at the Cafe Ritazza directly across from the Burger King. I even emailed pictures. Good plan, right? Well, as the minutes waiting patiently wore on we wondered if she was lost in London.

As it turns out there is ANOTHER Cafe Ritazza directly across from Burger King in Victoria Station. It is a big place! Crystal was waiting patiently for us there. After a few phone calls and some help from Sharon we met and were on our way to the bus. 

The bus to Dover hit some horrible traffic in Lewisham (Bridget Jones fans may remember this from her "Lewisham Fire Department" report).  Our bus was almost an hour delayed on the way to Dover, we just missed our ferry and had to take a late one almost two hours after our arrival. Alas!

The border security at Dover was something like the hokey pokey. We had our passport checked, we got on a shuttle bus, we got off the bus with passports again, on the bus, drove a few meters, off the bus, scanned our gear, on the bus... and you turn yourself around!

The ferry ride was lovely. Beautiful views of the Dover cliffs and soon after the French coastline that we cruised along to Calais.  We ate dinner on the ferry (fish and chips and Bob's new favorite - mushy peas) and set out to find our car. 

We have leased a Peugeot for the remainder of the trip, it is BRAND new and technically belongs to me. So, I can no longer say that I have never had a new car! We do NOT have a GPS right now as we couldn't get maps for ours so our trusty road atlas is getting us around and remarkably we drove directly to our hotel.

The hotel is the Premiere Classe - a Motel 6 of sorts. It is indeed the smallest room I have ever stayed in at a hotel. Crystal's single bed is bunked over the double. Seriously. No frills, but it is clean and has what we need. We all slept well - of course Bob had to get ready for his marathon in the morning before he nodded off. 

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