Thursday, June 11, 2009

Day three - Hampstead

Well, today we abandoned plans to head into the city and toured Hampstead and the heath with Sharon. It was a wonderful day - sunny and clear. We walked for miles through the historic sites of this neighborhood seeing the places where famous people lived and were buried. Beautiful Georgian homes, lovely churches, narrow passageways and alleyways and winding paths through the hills. What a wonderful way to spend the day.

We also enjoyed a wonderful walk on the Hampstead Heath - a beautiful park with miles of trails, huge old trees, vast fields of grasses and a stunning view of downtown London atop the highest point in North London. In the heath we saw swimming ponds (men's, women's, coed); ducks, coots, dogs, children and notably a pair of swans and 9 signets. Lovely.

We also toured Kenwood House, a grand mid 1700s estate with a remarkable interior and art collection. Sharon treated us to a delightful lunch at Kenwood on the patio. The home also has a lovely pond on the grounds where I found myself looking for Mr. Darcy out for a swim. Alas, no such luck.

The day continued with a walk down 'Well Walk' where mineral water was once available and reputedly healing and along Flask Walk to the Flask Tavern for a refreshing pint.

Tomorrow we will see what works out. We have plans to try to see the Cotswolds by public transport but if that falls through we will choose from the myriad of other London sites we have yet to see. Thank you all for the comments, it is the first thing we check! Love hearing from everyone!


Unknown said...

Hi folks...the Hampstead Heath...was it windy? This always reminds me of a quote by George Borrow (19th c. Brit writer)...often used by Teddy Roosevelt...the quote is as follows...

"There's night and day, brother, both sweet things; sun, moon, and stars, brother, all sweet things; there's likewise a wind on the heath. Life is very sweet, brother; who would wish to die? Ah yes, there's always the wind on the heath, brother; if I could only feel that, I would gladly live for ever."

stevie said...

Hello! This is Steve, Crystal forwarded me your blog and I am following intently seeing as how I just got back from a Euro tour myself. The pics look great, your trip looks alot more relaxing than my trip was.
Hopefully Crystal will make it to where your staying, shes dreadfully afraid of fending for herself once she lands at heathrow. ;)
You should take a day to go to stonehenge! Whatever you do, have fun and NEVER forget to mind the gap!!!!

Judy Sudomir said...

Mark - it was windy. And the quote is perfect. It is lovely there... Bob has been running there daily. There are also loads of foxes here and we have been watching them wrestle and chase each other in the gardens. I think you would love it.

Judy Sudomir said...

And Steve - I even took pictures of where she is to meet us. I think she will make it without incident ;)

Mom (SAM) said...

Sorry, tied up yesterday with things you'd rather not know about. Hint: involved sewer. Anyway, Thanks for the picture of Sharon! Tell her she looks marvelous!! And she has been very generous. We owe her, thanks to Mrs. Lucky.