Monday, March 17, 2008

Well, we are at the gate waiting to board our flight to Atlanta. At least, almost all of us are. Marc forgot his passport and we are crossing our fingers that his Mom makes it here in time for him to get on the flight. I am a nervous wreck about this, I really hope he makes it. If he doesn't we will fly separate and meet up with him in Costa Rica, but I don't like that idea at all. 
Everyone is excited, talking, checking their gear, listening to ipods. We can't wait to get there but we are all hoping we get there at the same time as Marc!
Hello to all my students back home, be nice to my substitute and have a great week. You'll be hearing more from me really soon.


mathisbertosa said...

I am riveted- did he make the plane? Did the passport arrive?
keep the blogs coming!

Tracey Case said...

Hello from Marc's parents. Please tell him we survived our near stroke experience this morning. Note to parents: Do not trust your 18 year old when they say, "Yes, I have my passport packed....chill out!!!"

Have fun!

anothergreenthing said...

Atta boy, Marc! Glad all is well. I miss the socializing already!

anothergreenthing said...

P.S. Mike K. is anothergreenthing :-) but my guess is Judy S. knew that.

Mike Saleet said...

Hello from Mackenzie's parents...
note to Marc's parents, "We've all been there with our kids!" Have an awesome time in Costa Rica! Take lots and lots of pictures, and make detailed entries in your journal daily, you'll be glad you did when you get back home.
Have a great time you lucky dogs!
Mike and Marilyn Saleet
PS: F.Y.I.-It's wet and cold here!