Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day 10 - Guanacaste to San Jose

It is hard to believe that this is our last day. This morning we got up early and climbed the hill behind the hotel to watch the sun rise behind the mountains to our east. On the way up the hill I heard a curious combination of comments. Katie is so excited to go home, Tyler was so tired and Marc doesn´t want to leave. I am, as usual, not ready to leave this country and already thinking about returning.

The sunrise behind the mountains was beautiful. We sat in the dirt and watched as the stars disappeared, the oranges and pinks overtook our view and eventually faded away to soft, pale blues. Meg and Jessi we laughing about something and I said, ¨Shhh! I want my peaceful, contemplative moment¨. Meg replied, ¨Then you should have brought someone else¨! We have all laughed a lot together.

After the sunrise almost everyone went back to bed and they are still sleeping. By 8am we will be packed up, head to breakfast and load on the bus one more time. Today we will take the 4 hour drive to San Jose and stop a few times along the way to buy souvenirs. I hope to have time in San Jose to see a little of the city that we missed on our first afternoon in the country. We will all go out for a nice dinner together tonight and then pack up for our trip home. We leave for the airport tomorrow at 4:30 am (which thanks to me waking everyone up early all the time shouldn´t feel as early as it could).

I´ll try to add pictures of the sunrise before we hit the road.

All the best - Judy


The Lautzenheisers said...

The Lautzenheiser's:

Tyler emailed us that he never wants to come home. I am writing to ask Mrs. Sudomir to please make sure Tyler gets on that plane!! Enjoy your last night there and we look forward to seeing you all soon.

Jim and Cheryl Doria said...

This has been an action packed trip for you and us at home reading the detailed entries!
Please make sure David gets on that plane without any snakes, trantulas, big bugs, etc. And don't foreget the passport - Marc! :)
Judy! Hugs to you for getting teens up as early as you have, and living thru this tremendous experience with them!
Cheryl Doria
Enjoy the last few hrs and have a safe trip home.

AnaM said...

Hey Judy, here is your Costa Rican friend from Kent STate, Ana, feeling proud because you and the kids have liked my country. I love it and I am proud of it, you know that. I live in SJ, near Sabana Park, if you locate that, would love to see you a bit or at least talk on the phone. My cell is 8383 9846. Hope to talk soon, otherwise, thanks again for liking this place on Earth, hope you and these kids and many others come back. YOu got here on the 17, I went on vacation to Vegas on the 19, came back two days ago, and you still here!! GREAT!



Joelle said...

wow i cant wait for my sister to get home so i can bome her with quistions see you soon Emily

Tracey Case said...

Dear Mrs. Sudomir and the Gang,
We read where you said, "Marc doesn't want to come home." Please... We've already had one near death experience.....don't trust him if he says he has his passport! Stand beside him until he gets to the customs officials and then hand him his passport:-) We will be eternally greatful. Fly safely! The Cases

Joelle said...

I just wanted to say Thank You so very much for taking the kids on this amazing trip. Jessica is home and telling incredible stories about your journey. This is something they will remember for the rest of their lives. So again, Thank you very much.

Joelle Notch