Friday, March 21, 2008

Day 5 - Fortuna - Monteverde/Santa Elena

Our hotel has been without internet until this moment, I apologize for my absence! I also can not add pictures right now, but I hope to tonight or tomorrow.

And so our day of travel was a bit exhausting but filled with highlights. We left Fortuna early and were a little disappointed to not be able to see the Arenal Volcano as was covered in clouds. We began a beautiful drive around Lake Arenal, a man made lake that produces a large amount of hydropower for the country. During our drive John told us all about power generation in Costa Rica and how the vast majority of it is remnewable. They use a lot of hydropower, some wind and a fair bit of geothermal energy generated from the volcanically active region. We were also able to see a vast wind farm on the shores of the lake.

We made a stop in the mountain village of Tiluran for a snack and bathroom break. Just as we emerged from the bus we were fortunate enough to view a Good Friday ¨parade¨. The village walks through town going through the stations of the cross as it stops along the way. There are people dressed as Jesus, carrying a cross, Mary, Mary Magdalene, shephards, children that appeared to be wearing alter boy type clothing and so much more. My limited Spanish prevents me from understanding more but suffice to say it was a great opportunity to experience the culture.

We continued on the bus to Cabaceras Nuboso, or the Cloud School, not a school of meterology but an elementary school that is in the cloud forest. There the students were able to meet the 21 kids that attend the very, very basic school. The children sang the Costa Rican National Anthem and did several beautiful traditional dances for us. It was a very touching experience for our students to see these bright, energetic children that were so happy we were at their school especially when the school was so bare. Coming here makes us all thankful for the amazing facilities we have and more conscious of how difficult it is in other places. The students are already talking about raising money for this tiny, one room school.

We continued on to our hotel in Santa Elena, a town in the cloudforest near Monteverde Reserve. We changed quickly and headed out to go on a horseback ride through the forest. What a great time we all had! Some of the students had never been on a horse before and they were elated by the experience. There were a lot of laughs and smiles as we rode through the stunning scenery.

That afternoon we visited town where we saw another Good Friday service and procession and had local cheese and coffee. Later we were off the see the Ranario, a local frog zoo. We had a gret time there and learned a lot about the local amphibians.

I´m sorry to end abruptly and with a whole day not yet entered, but the bus is leaving to take us to a Butterfly Garden andInsectarium before we continue on our drive to the Pacific in Guanacaste Province. Thank you for your comments, we all appreciate them so much.


Melissa Ebel said...

I had forgotten to check the blog (duh!) but had gotten an update or two from John (Ebel) so reading this was a lot more informative and gave me a real sense of being along with all of you! Our break has begun with predictions of more nasty, cold weather and snow so I am particularly jealous of the sunshine and heat you are all enjoying. The turtle encounter was awesome! I can just *hear* the kids saying, "Not another hike!" yet going along and finding these rare opportunities to interact with flora and fauna they may never see again except in pictures! Enjoy every tiring second of it and keep writing and snapping pix of those memories. This sounds like a really wonderful, potentially life-changing experience! Hope everyone appreciates the opportunity and the value that Judy S. has added for the people who accompany her on this trip. Keep up the blog-it really helps us at home share the experience and makes us miss you all less. Hugs to all~Melissa Ebel

mathisbertosa said...

Hey! Thanks for the blog! I am really enjoying living vicariously through you folks! Especially since it is snowing AGAIN! And thanks for the photos- especially of the food! I always photograph my meals when I am in a different country, as a reminder that the whole world does not eat cornflakes!

Ulrich Family said...

The Ulrich Family says hello! Isaiah has been keeping track of where you have been by looking at your blogg and checking out pictures on the web. He thinks the Blue Jean Frog is funny looking, and his favorite animal so far is the parrot! The sea turtle bloggs are great…how wonderful, wish I could have seen it. Isaiah has informed me that next year he is going to Costa Rica with Daddy while Baby Nate and Mommy stay home! We miss you and am glad you are all safe. It sounds like you are having a wonderful time.. a free day is coming soon, enjoy that beach. Becky Ulrich

Mary N said...

It sounds like you all are having a great time. I love reading the blog and keeping up to date with what you guys are doing. Thanks so much for posting your adventures for all of us to read. We miss you and wish you all well.
Stay safe and enjoy the rest of your time away.
Hugs to all of you
Mary Newton

Jim and Cheryl Doria said...

It's been interesting keeping up with the blogs! We are enjoying reading about all of your adventures and seeing the pictures.
And Thanks Judy S. for reassuring me on the blog when I read it at 3 a.m. that David's chin was "ok" was better than hearing David on the phone at 11 p.m. saying "ok"!
I tried to warn you about David! Does anyone have a rope or leash to use on him?!
Take care, have fun, be careful and keep up the journals, pictures and videos. Can't wait to see and hear all about Costa Rica.
Love and hugs to all...especiall David!
Cheryl Doria

Joelle said...

Happy Easter everyone!!! Jessey, our phone was broken when you called, so it didn't ring. I bought a new one, please call your mom :) If you need to, use your cell phone.

mathisbertosa said...

Happy Easter to all of you! I know you are enjoying the journey!

Unknown said...

Hey Judy! it looks like you are having fun! Call me when things settle down and you are back from your fabulous trip!

Joe Sudomir said...

Judy, Thanks for the commentary. We have really enjoyed it. I'm sorry I missed the leatherback. I wish I was there. We just read the whole blog to Grandma Warwood. Thanks for making us a part of your adventure. Keep a short leash on David. Does he have a death wish?

Joe, Bonnie, Bob, Grandma Warwood

Tracey Case said...

Happy Easter from the Case/Horman family...and I mean the whole family. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and sisters are enjoying the blogs. We are having a wonderful experience through all of you. Can't wait to see your pics and video. Enjoy every minute! Much Love, Mom and Dad

Jim and Cheryl Doria said...

Happy Easter everyone!
Sounds like you had a good time with the Good Friday observances in the village as well the visit to the school. David I hope you took a picture of it for me.
How's the chin? And did they find a leash for you yet?! Were you able to stay on top of the horse?!
Judy S., you desreve a medal for the experiences the kids are getting on this trip! Hope you don't mind, but I gave the blog out to family and friends. Grandma and Grandpa Domer are really enjoying reading the's a true learning experience for them and Grandpa wishes he were with you on this trip.
Love and hugs to all,
Cheryl Doria